The Beauty Of Sargent Planes Is Not In Their Looks Alone

From Popular Mechanics, April 1925


Sargent Steel Block Plane
Sargent Auto-Set Bench Plane

SARGENT Planes are beautiful tools — in design, materials and fineness of construction and finish. But the beauty of them that’s most appealing is in the way they do their work. Always smooth and clean-cutting, with never a murmur! And “murmur” isn’t simply a figure of speech.

As you undoubtedly know, the important part of any plane is the cutter, and the next thing is to make sure that it will not chatter or murmur when going across or against the grain.

Here are two of the advantages you get in Sargent Planes: 1 — a cutter of finest chromium steel, tough, wear-resisting, edge-holding. 2 — absolute rigidity when the cutter is in place.

Of course there are other points that will interest you — points that make these two moderate-priced planes most desirable for every home and school work-bench. See Sargent Planes at your hardware dealer’s and write us for booklet, which gives detailed information about them.

SARGENT & COMPANY, Mfrs.49 Water St., New Haven, Conn.

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