He Has Good Tools — His Work Shows It

From Popular Mechanics, December 1926

NO REASON now for anyone to work with unsatisfactory tools. In every class of tools there are leaders. Devised by workers who simply had to have something better than what they were using. Produced by manufacturers who have overlooked nothing that might better design and quality. Sold at prices which every worker can afford to pay.

Sargent Planes will help you get better results. Quicker results, becaus of their simplicity of adjustment and ease of handling. The Auto-Set has a feature found in no other plane. The cutter may be removed, sharpened and replaced without changing original adjustment. With this and the small Steel Block Plane you can do practically every finishing job that comes to a school or home work-bench.

See them at your hardware dealer’s. Note the perfect balance and finish! The cutters of special chromium steel! How keen these are — and they keep that way even after a lot of planing. You will be surprised at the prices — too. Low, for the tools that so many professional carpenters use. Write us for booklet. SARGENT & COMPANY, Manufacturers 49 Water Street New Haven, Conn.


Sargent Steel Block Plane No. 5206
Sargent Auto-Set Bench Plane No. 714

Sargent Planes on eBay right now...

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