Better Tools Mean Better Work

From Popular Mechanics, October 1927

THE Sargent Auto-Set Plane is so strongly made that you should never need to replace it. It is so moderately priced that you cannot afford to be without it. It is so carefully and accurately fitted that the chromium steel cutter seems a solid part of the plane itself, and cuts with, across, or against the grain without chattering. Sargent Auto-Set planes insure clean, accurate work. They can be quickly and exactly set at any adjustment, and the cutter can be taken out, sharpened and replaced in the original position without disturbing adjustment.

Sargent planes are used by carpenters and wood-workers everywhere. The Auto-Set and the small Steel Block Plane also illustrated here will finish any job. Ask your dealer to show you Sargent planes and write us for catalog and further particulars. Sargent & Company, Manufacturers, 49 water Street, New Haven, Conn.


Sargent Steel Block Plane No. 5206
Sargent Auto-Set Bench Plane No. 714

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